
I am deeply interested in how employees navigate the uncertain workplace. Be it brought about by the global crises, the emergence of AI, or changing cultural values, workplace uncertainty has become one of the most pressing problems for organizational members.

To examine the impact of workplace uncertainty, my research takes on two interconnected streams: Trust and Creativity, due to their capabilities to help employees manage experienced uncertainty, adapt to changes at work, and cooperate to bring about innovations.

Academic Articles

Huang, L. & Lou, E. Y. (Forthcoming). From Contradiction to Integration, From Suppression to Expression: Cognitive and Motivational Impact of Workplace Inauthenticity on Creativity. In J. A. Goncalo & J. H. Katz (Eds.), The Research Handbook on Workplace Creativity.

Work Under Review

Lou, E. Y., Huang, L. Integrity and Crisis Leadership. [Title redacted for peer review]. Under Review at Organization Science

Huang, L. & Lou, E. Y. Workplace Authenticity and Organizational Implications [Title redacted for peer review]. Under Review at Administrative Science Quarterly

Work in Progress

Lou, E. Y., Miron-Spektor, E. & Klein, N. Blinded in Love: When and Why Idea Attachment Leads to Biases in Early-Phase Idea Evaluation. Working paper

Lou, E. Y., Milovac, M. & Huang, L. Intuitive Communication as Passion Signals for Different Genders in Entrepreneurial Pitches. Data collection

Milovac, M., Lou, E. Y. & Huang, L. Intuitive and Analytical Communication in Entrepreneurial Pitches. Data collection

Huang, L., Lou, E. Y. & Whitson, J. Conspiratorial Mentality and Action Orientation. Data collection

Lou, E. Y., & Huang, L. Passion and Organizational Silo. Data collection

Practitioner Articles

Miron-Spektor, E., Bear, J., Eliav, E., Huang, L., Milovac, M., & Lou, E. Y. (2023, April 14). Research: Being Funny Can Pay Off More for Women Than Men. Harvard Business Review.